Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Inspiration from Dr.Seuss

So every once in a while my daughter comes home from school with those little brochures called "Scholastic News".
I like to read them every once in a while. They provide such simple but interesting facts about "stuff". So (a couple months ago) she came home with one about Dr Seuss and it totally inspired me. I will share with you some interesting facts about him that I think will inspire you to pursue your dreams and hopefully will really inspire all you writers out there.

Dr. Theophrastus Seuss was drawing cartoons one day for a magazine and a man asked him to write a book and gave him a list of easy words (I always liked that word easy) and he could only use those words in his book. (hmmmm....I might try this) He picked 2 rhyming words from that list...Cat and Hat. His book was about a cat in a red and white hat. The cat gets in oodles of trouble hence:

Another book originated from a bet. His friend said he couldn't write a book with only 50 different he took on the challenge and the book is called
Ha! He showed Him!

One day he had a window open and wind blew a pile of drawings he had on his desk. A drawing he had of an elephant blew on top of a drawing of a tree which gave him the idea guessed it...

For all of you writers out there and anyone pursuing a dream, Dr. Seuss's first book got rejected 27 times before a company said yes. Do not give up on your dreams!

So...what I'm taking away from this is

1.Do not make things so complicated.

2. Follow your.....

If you sense God has laid something on your heart to pursue, step out in what you know to do now and see how God meets you where you are.

I really like Dr.Seuss's story because it is
It seems obtainable.
It was the simple things that gave him inspiration for those ever so popular books he wrote.

And now...I will leave you with an ever so wise quote! :) It spoke to me at least! :)

Till Next Time!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Welcome Back 2 me...

Well Hello there Stranger....

Wow, a whole 2 months since I've written in here!

Yikes...March was a busy month for me...between celebrating my 11 year anniversary

and going to Branson, MO for a Kenneth Copeland Conference...

and celebrating my daughter's 8 year birthday

and practically celebrating the WHOLE month (at least if felt like we did:) I fully expected to start posting on my blog the beginning of April my excuse for the month of April is.......hmmmm........ummmmmmm......Oh yeah.........ummmmmmmm......can I get back to you on that one?

So...I guess to get back in the swing of things, I will post a few pics of my daughter's birthday party.

Water Balloon Toss
The child sticking her tongue out would be mine. :)
She wanted a Princess Cake.
The Goofy Gang

The Gang 
We missed everyone who couldn't make it.

Well, thank you for your grace on me the past few months. I am excited to be writing again!!!

Till Next Time!